Although many Allentown residents go to work without any issues, workplace accidents are not uncommon and can result in an injury at any moment.
Thankfully, those injured on the job can seek compensation through a Workers’ Compensation claim. In fact, this might be the only option available for many workers since most cannot file a lawsuit if Workers’ Compensation benefits are available. By working with our knowledgeable Workers’ Compensation attorneys, you can increase the likelihood that your benefits will not be delayed or denied, regardless of the harm you sustained on the job.
For a free review of your case with our Workers’ Compensation lawyers, contact Lerner, Steinberg & Associates at (215) 355-6400.
Main Causes of Workers’ Compensation Claims in Allentown
While most Allentown workplaces have countless dangers that could injure workers, a few causes of Workers’ Compensation claims are more prevalent than others. Whether you were injured in a fall, electrocuted, or crushed by machinery, our Workers’ Compensation lawyers can help your file your claim so you have the best chance to receive the benefits you deserve. These types of accidents can leave catastrophic damage, often altering the course of the injured worker’s life. The following are some of the major accidents that victims file Workers’ Compensation claims for in Allentown:
Falling Object Accidents
It is important for workers to stay aware of their surroundings in order to prevent being struck by falling objects or tools that may have been dropped unintentionally or thrown by others on the job site. Unfortunately, numerous workers in Allentown lose their lives every year due to injuries sustained from falling objects, such as heavy machinery, bricks, and various other tools. A worker’s injuries might be critical if they are struck directly on the head or injure their spinal cord during an accident. These types of accidents frequently occur when there is inadequate protection from overhead items, including netting and scaffolding.
Crushing Accidents
In Allentown workplaces, numerous injuries occur due to crushing accidents and being trapped between objects. Such instances typically arise when an individual gets wedged between or inside large machinery while operating it or negligently built walls collapse on them. Additionally, if a person’s clothing or any other object gets ensnared in the gears of the machinery they are working with, it could lead to their being pulled into the machine. These types of accidents commonly cause full amputations and the partial loss of a limb. Victims can often receive temporary or permanent disability benefits in a Workers’ Compensation claim for losing a limb.
Electrocutions are another major cause of injuries and deadly accidents for which Workers’ Compensation claims are filed. Electrocutions commonly occur when workers are exposed to live power lines, faulty power tools, and other electrical equipment that can cause harmful electric currents to go through their bodies. When someone is electrocuted, the electricity will surge through the victim’s body and exit the body where it has the least resistance. This can cause devastating injuries to the part of the body that the electricity exits through, as well as the rest of the body. Victims could also suffer cardiac arrest from an electric shock.
Falling Accidents
Lastly, many Workers’ Compensation claims are made after workers are injured in falling accidents. Falling accidents are especially common on construction sites where buildings are being constructed. Not only should employers provide adequate safety measures, like warning signs, harnesses, and scaffolding, but they must also train their employees in the proper safety techniques and how to use the equipment provided. Falling injuries are responsible for many workplace deaths since falling from even a short height can be extremely dangerous, especially if the brain or spine is damaged.
Reporting Your Workplace Injuries to Your Allentown Employer
To start the process of receiving Workers’ Compensation for your injuries in Allentown, you must first inform your employer directly. You should do this as soon as possible after your accident to avoid unnecessary delays in getting your claim approved. In Allentown and throughout Pennsylvania, injured workers have only 21 days from the date of their injuries to report it to their employer.
Your employer is generally required to report a workplace accident to their Workers’ Compensation insurance provider. However, it is your responsibility to file your actual claim with the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. Fortunately, fault is not an issue when filing for Workers’ Compensation benefits. Workers’ Compensation is designed to provide benefits to injured workers regardless of who caused the accident unless the victim’s injuries were intentionally caused. Thus, you should not hesitate to report your accident even if you contributed to causing the accident in which you were injured.
Sometimes injured workers cannot recover compensation because their employer does not carry Workers’ Compensation insurance. If this is the situation in your case, your employer could be in violation of the law. Under Pennsylvania’s Workers’ Compensation laws, most employers are required to carry Workers’ Compensation insurance unless they are specifically exempted from the rule. For instance, federal workers in Allentown cannot claim state-based benefits but could file for federal Workers’ Compensation. You should have received information about your employer’s coverage when you started. However, you can check your employer’s coverage status online.
Receiving Medical Care After Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Allentown
One catch to receiving Workers’ Compensation benefits is that you will most likely need to seek medical treatment from a doctor of your employer’s choosing. However, you will usually be provided with options in the form of a list of approved medical providers. You can select any doctor on your employer’s list, but you must visit an approved doctor if a list is provided. If your employer does not have a list of preselected healthcare providers, you are typically free to receive care from a physician you choose.
Recovering Benefits in an Approved Workers’ Compensation Claim in Allentown
Arguably the most important question injured workers have is when they will receive their benefits. Generally, you should receive notice of the results of your filing, whether your claim is approved or denied. Victims might sometimes receive a “Temporary Notice of Compensation Payable.” This confusing jargon simply means that your employer’s insurance provider has agreed to provide benefits while it continues to investigate your claim. Insurance companies are allowed an additional 90 days to investigate a claim further to determine if there are appropriate grounds for denying it. Victims without an experienced attorney in their corner could be vulnerable to an unfair denial. However, claims not rejected within 90 days are considered fully approved.
Our Allentown Worker’s Compensation Lawyers Can Help
Call Lerner, Steinberg & Associates today at (215) 355-6400 for a free case evaluation with our dedicated Workers’ Compensation attorneys.